Numerous are the recipes that can be prepared with the Thermomix to get your mouth open the guests that are invited to home.
In previous articles we have been revealing several that can serve as starters or first courses. Do not However, now we are going to help you prepare an exquisite dessert:
Raspberry muffins with Thermomix
Do you dare to elaborate it? What you need is, first of all, to acquire the following ingredients:
125 grams of brown sugar.
1 egg.
150 grams of raspberries
250 grams of milk
290 grams of flour.
135 grams of butter.
Once you have all these foods in your kitchen, it’s time for you to put on your apron and prepare to be able to elaborate this exquisite recipe. To do so, follow these simple steps:
First, start by melting the butter in the Thermomix. Program
2 minutes / Speed 2.
Next, add the egg, sugar, flour and milk. Mix everything very well, program the thermomix.
15 seconds / Speed 3.
Then with a spatula, proceed to check that the dough is perfect. If so, do not hesitate to add the raspberries and mix it.
5 seconds / Speed 3.
Then proceed to turn on the oven to preheat it to about 180 º.
After the mixture that you have been able to prepare, pour it into paper cups, muffins, and place them on a tray.
You must put it in the oven so that the raspberry muffins are golden adequately. In particular, they should remain between 20 and 30 minutes at the same temperature that we have already indicated.
Then what will be left will be to remove them from the oven and place them for your diners to enjoy them.
For decorate, then sprinkle the muffins with a little bit of icing sugar or place them around raspberry that has left you.