If you like to try different recipes in the kitchen and, above all, what desserts are, you will be interested in knowing the proposal that we are going to give you next.
It is a recipe that, above all, will delight the little ones in the house. In particular, we will teach you to Make chocolate yogurts with the Thermomix.
Do you dare to elaborate them?
Chocolate yogurts with the Thermomix
100 grams of dark chocolate.
Half over curd.
70 grams of sugar.
400 grams of skim milk
When you have already gathered the ingredients mentioned in the kitchen, it is time to proceed to follow these indications:
Pour the chocolate into the robot’s glass and program this to
progressive speed 5-7-10.
Then add the remaining ingredients to the glass and re-program the Thermomix. In this case, it will have to be
10 minutes / Speed 4 Temperature 90º
Finally, you will have to proceed to pour the mixture obtained in the cups or small containers that you have decided that will accommodate the yogurt. Once in them you will have to leave them out until they are tempered at least and then,when they are already, you will proceed to introduce them in the refrigerator.
In this simple way you will have prepared some delicious chocolate yogurts. These, if you wish, the You can decorate with chocolate chips, with nuts or even with lacasitos or similar. Do not However, that is a personal matter.