Now that the high temperatures arrive, what we most want to eat are fresh and tasty products that help us to face them. And in this sense a great option is the dish that we propose: salmorejo recipe with the Thermomix.
It is a typical proposal of the cuisine of Cordoba, Spain, which has increasingly begun to become popular around the world. Do you dare to prepare it?
Salmorejo with the Thermomix
To be able to make this kind of soup or fresh cream you need to buy the following products:
Bread. (If you’re celiac bread for celiacs)
Olive oil
Spanish ham cut into pieces(if you are a vegetarian, we do without this food)
Boiled eggs
After buying the mentioned products, put on your apron, activate your kitchen robot and prepare, in a short time, this exquisite dish:
Pour the boiled eggs and chop them at
3 seconds/ speed 4
Reserve them.
Afterwards, pour garlic, salt and tomatoes into the glass of the Thermomix. Proceed to crush everything 30 seconds / speed 5.
Then add the sliced bread and crush everything
30 seconds / speed 5
Then beat it
2 minutes / speed 10
Finally, add the olive oil and mix everything
No time /Speed 5
Until you see that a homogeneous result has been achieved.
To finish, what you will have left is to introduce the salmorejo in a dish to let it cool in the fridge.
Keep in mind that, at the time of serving, in each dish you should pour the salmorejo and over it a bit of chopped egg and also of ham cut into pieces.
Go ahead and prepare this recipe that is in fashion and that has become one of the best options to face the high temperatures that are about to reach us. It is refreshing and tasty, as well as healthy.