Do you have guests for lunch or dinner and want to surprise them with a dessert that sweetens the evening? If so, you may find it interesting to know the bacon recipe of heaven with the Thermomix that we want to present to you now.
Recipe that will allow you to prepare eight portions of it.
It will be an ideal dish for that meeting and is that you will give your guests the possibility of making that dessert that has 500 years of history, being Jerez de la Frontera the city of origin.
Heaven bacon (Tocino de cielo) with Thermomix
To begin, the first thing is that you gather in your kitchen the necessary products to be able to carry out the recipe:
11 egg yolks
1.25 liters of water.
Liquid caramel.
500 grams of sugar
1 whole egg
Now, it’s time for you to put on your apron and start the elaboration:
The initial key to this recipe is the preparation of the syrup, which will be carried out by adding both sugar and about 250 grams of water to the robot’s glass. Then you have to program
15 minutes / Speed 2 / Temperature varoma.
Once the syrup is prepared and reserved, it is time to mix the whole egg with the yolks in a bowl.
Then the butterfly will be placed in the Thermomix and both the syrup and the mixture of the eggs will be added. It will be programmed at a speed of 2 ½ and the aforementioned mixture will be poured little by little.
Next, the result will be added to a mold, previously gifted with caramel. That container will be covered with aluminum foil and on this kitchen paper. Then it will be placed in the Varoma.
The rest of the water will be poured into the Thermomix cup to be programmed, while the Varoma container is placed.
60 minutes / Speed 2 / Temperature varoma.
You only have to wait for it to cool to unmold it, cut it into portions and put it on the table for each diner.