1 thermomix plates

Eggplant cannelloni for diet with Thermomix

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Eggplant cannelloni for diet with Thermomix

To continue detoxifying our body from the excesses of summer, we will share another recipe with an exquisite flavor but low calories. Aubergine cannelloni for diet with Thermomix. This recipe calls for cannelloni

eggplant cannelloni with thermomix

eggplant cannelloni with thermomix

The eggplant In addition to being a versatile vegetable, since its neutral flavor and soft texture intensely absorbs the flavors with which it is combined, it is also an antioxidant, because it improves cell activity; diuretic because it stimulates renal and purifying activity thanks to the amount of fiber it provides.

So put on your apron, call your guests, and get cooking!

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