There are many drinks that you can prepare with your kitchen robot and today we will let you know one of them. It is a proposal that you can find in restaurants both as an element between courses and as a dessert. In particular, we will teach you how to prepare mojito sorbet with the Thermomix.
Do you dare to elaborate it? Keep reading and you will find out.
Mojito sorbet with the Thermomix
In order to carry out the preparation of this sorbet, you must first gather the following products:
120 grams of sugar
150 grams of white rum
800 grams of ice
The juice of 3 limes.
150 milliliters of water.
Peppermint leaves, it will be enough with about 30 grams.
100 grams of soda
When you have gathered all these products in your kitchen, follow these steps:
Add the lime juice, sugar and mint leaves to the robot’s glass.
Proceed to program
5 seconds / Speed 7.
The next step will be to add the remaining ingredients and program the Thermomix
20 seconds / Progressive speed 5-10.
In this fast and simple way you can already prepare an exquisite mojito sorbet.
A proposal that you must present in glasses with the ornamentation that you want, that is already something of your imagination and creativity.