27 June, 2022

Aubergines parmesan with thermomix

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Aubergines parmesan with thermomix This recipe calls for aubergines

aubergines is one of the vegetables along with zucchini that we like to eat at home the most, this recipe of Italian origin is based on aubergines, tomato sauce and, as its name says, mainly parmesan cheese

It is a very easy recipe thanks to our thermomix

So let’s go for it and then you tell me what you think
the following recipe is made to eat 6 people

Ingredients to make Eggplant Parmesan with thermomix

Aubergines parmesan with thermomix

Aubergines parmesan with thermomix

800 grams natural crushed tomato from a jar
70 grams extra virgin olive oil
3 eggplants
100 grams grated Parmesan cheese
200 grams buffalo mozzarella
3 fresh basil leaves
1 spoon of sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon dried oregano

NOTE: – We will make the aubergines with skin and cut into beautiful slices like 1/2 centimeter thick

– the mozzarella will also be sliced

Preparation of Eggplant Parmesan with thermomix. Step by Step:

We are going to start working with our aubergines, we are going to wash them and cut them into slices 1/2 centimeter thick more or less
and we are placing them in our varoma of the thermomix vertically, in such a way that the holes of the varoma are not covered and the steam can enter correctly

we reserve the aubergines in the varoma

We put in the glass of our thermomix the 800 gr of tomato together with the salt (to taste), the oregano, the basil and the oil
place the varoma on top covered and program
30 minutes / varoma temperature / speed 1.

Once finished, we proceed to remove the varoma and the taoa, being very careful not to burn ourselves, since the temperature can now be very high.

Let’s preheat the oven to 180ºC

We are going to put a large source that supports the oven and we place 1/3 of the aubergines cut into slices, we put 1/3 of the Parmesan cheese on top and we put half of the mozzarella also on top in slices
we will put of course, 1/3 of the tomato sauce on top covering it all we can put it by spoonfuls

We place another layer of aubergines (another 1/3) and we do the same operation again, putting layers with the cheese and the tomato
and finally another layer with the rest of the aubergines, cheese and tomato

we close everything with a layer of parmesan on top of the tomato, to gratin it

We put our source in the oven and program the oven:
15 minutes / 180º / heat up and down

When finished, gratin for 3 minutes at 180ºC.

we take out of the oven and ready to eat our delicious Eggplant parmesan with thermomix

Recipe by chomon

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