
Battered Dogfish with Thermomix

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While we take advantage and enjoy the high temperatures of summer, the fresh drinks, the sun and the sea let’s also take advantage of eating delicious, why not?

The fish is a rich white meat with a high nutritional value, for this recipe we recommend dogfish, for its low fat content, for its proportion of proteins of high biological value and for its flavor is exquisite.

Battered Dogfish with Thermomix

Battered Dogfish with Thermomix

Mazon in Adobo with Thermomix Very popular in Andalusia, in San Fernando it is known as bienmesabe, in Cadiz it is very common to eat it as we will prepare it today, Mazon in Adobo with Thermomix. No one will be able to resist a single bite. Let’s prepare it!

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