A healthy, comforting and exquisite recipe that we now want to introduce you to is the tomato soup in the Thermomix.
It is a proposal that will surely become a present element of your home’s diet. Take note.
Next, we will let you know how to prepare it. Keep in mind that, once the Christmas holidays are over, it is ideal to be able to eliminate the extra pounds that are left over by eating healthy.
Tomato soup in the Thermomix
The first thing is that you consider what foods you need to have in the kitchen to make this dish:
1 kilo of crushed natural tomato
Half a liter of water.
30 milliliters of olive oil.
100 grams of pepper
1 onion.
4 leaves of mint.
2 cloves of garlic
Salt and pepper to taste.
Once you have gathered those ingredients in the kitchen, it is time to make the recipe. To do so, follow these steps:
Peel the garlic and the onion.
Enter the garlic and mint into the robot’s glass and program
5 seconds / Speed 5.
Then reserve them.
Add the peppers and onion to the Thermomix. You must program it
3 seconds / Speed 5.
Then add the olive oil and salt. Then program the robot
5 seconds / Speed 1 / Temperature 100º
Then, the tomato will be added and it will be programmed with the same parameters as in the previous point except for the time, which will be 20 minutes.
Afterwards, everything will be crushed at speed 5.
The water will be added as well as the mixture of garlic and mint that was already ready. It will be programmed
12 minutes / Speed 1 / Temperature 100º
And this tasty tomato soup will be ready. If desired, it can be accompanied with another ingredient: bread.