Marinated dogfish with the Thermomix

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9 July, 2020
Marinated dogfish with the Thermomix
There are many fish recipes that you can carry out with your kitchen robot to enjoy this healthy food.

Marinated dogfish with the Thermomix
However, we are going to present you one that is, above all, very tasty and
exquisite. We will tell you how to make dogfish in marinade with the
Thermomix.As you know, the dogfish, which also responds to the name of vitamin
shark, is eaten a lot in Andalusia and has little fat.
Marinated dogfish with the Thermomix
- In order to prepare the recipe that concerns us, you must know that you have to
- gather the following products:
- 500 grams of dogfish
- 1 bay leaf.
- 50 grams of water.
- 75 grams of vinegar.
- 2 cloves of garlic.
- A little salt, cumin and oregano.
- Half a tablespoon of sweet paprika.
- Olive oil.
- Flour.
- When you have gathered all those ingredients in the kitchen, start following the
- instructions we give you:
- Clean and wash the dogfish thoroughly and then cut them into pieces. Reserve it.
- Next, pour the paprika, oregano, salt, cumin and peeled garlic cloves into the
- Thermomix glass. Program the robot at speed 7 for about 5 seconds.
- Add the water and vinegar to the glass along with the bay leaf. You should now
- program the Thermomix at speed 2 for about 10 seconds.
- In this way, you will have the marinade ready.
- What you will have to do is pour it over the dogfish and let it steep for
- several hours.
- It is recommended that you cover the container in which the fish is with
- transparent plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator.
- After those hours, all that remains is for the dogfish to be passed through
- flour and fried in a pan with olive oil.
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