At home you love pasta and you prepare it very often, but perhaps not so far with a recipe as surprising as the one we present to you today: pasta soufflé with Thermomix.
It turns out to be a very original way of eating pasta, which is sure to make you all delighted.
Pasta soufflé with Thermomix
Preparation time:
55 minutes
Cooking time:
45 minutes
Total Time
1 hour, 40 minutes
Kitchen Italian cuisine
Pasta with Thermomix
Pasta Soufflé ingredients with Thermomix
110 grams of grated Parmesan
210 grams of cooked pasta
Bread crumbs
6 egg whites
210 grams of grated cheese
3 egg yolks
Preparation of Pasta Soufflé with Thermomix
Put on your apron and follow these instructions:
In a bowl, mix the bechamel, the two types of cheese and the egg yolks. Booking.
Put the butterfly in the robot and add the egg whites. Mount them to the point of snow the necessary time to
speed 4.
Then, add the contents of the glass to the previous bowl and mix everything well.
Pour the pasta into that bowl and mix well.
Pour the contents of the bowl into a baking dish and sprinkle the breadcrumbs on top.
Put the dish in the oven, previously preheated, and keep it there at