10 January, 2023

Wedges or triangles of Cream and chocolate with thermomix

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Today we bring another recipe from our friend Luz Maria Lagoa Vives. Hello companions. Well, another cupcake from the 80/90 era, I still have a few left to make,,,, I remember from my childhood,,, more than one too, right?

It is no longer available in stores as they once did. Ainss,,,, I recommend it, I will not deny it, they take time,,, but believe me,, the result is well worth it. I have made two doughs, one of them I froze, for another time when my family asks me, I already have that job done.

As always, a pleasure to be able to share my work, I hope you like it and I encourage you to do so.?? CREAM AND CHOCO WEDGES or PEAKS, TRIANGLES (as you know them)

Wedges or triangles of Cream and chocolate with thermomix

Wedges or triangles of Cream and chocolate with thermomix