Today a very complete dish because we have pasta, vegetables and cheese in a delicious dish ideal for children, athletes and even vegetarians
three foods that combine wonderfully and make us a mouth-watering dish and recipe This recipe uses spinach
![Spaghetti with spinach and roquefort with thermomix]()
Spaghetti with spinach and roquefort with thermomix
Spaghetti with spinach and roquefort with thermomix
Kitchen room
Pasta with Thermomix Vegetarian Recipes with Thermomix
- 250 grams of spaghetti
- 300 grams of fresh spinach
- 225 grams of cream for cooking
- 90 grams of Roquefort cheese
- 75 grams of onion
- 1 clove garlic
- 300 grams of water.
- pepper and minced pilgrim
- To start this recipe we put the onion and garlic in our Thermomix bowl and chop
- 2 seconds / speed 5
- Add the oil and fry
- 6 minutes / Varoma temperature / speed 1
- Add the spinach and sauté
- 3 minutes / Varoma temperature / speed 1 / left turn
- To finish we add the cream, the Roquefort cheese, the water and the spaghetti and program
- 10 minutes / 100ºC / spoon speed / left turn
- Serve in a bowl and top with ground pepper and chopped parsley.