Rice and potatoes with thermomix

Persian rice with Thermomix

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You love Asian food and that is why, from time to time, you prepare dishes from it.



Precisely because of this circumstance, next, you will be interested in knowing the recipe that we want to show you: Persian or Iranian rice with Thermomix. This recipe uses rice
Persian rice ingredients with Thermomix
Preparation of Persian Rice with Thermomix

Precisely because of this circumstance, next, you will be interested in knowing the recipe that we want to show you: Persian or Iranian rice with Thermomix. This recipe uses rice

Persian rice with Thermomix

Persian rice with Thermomix

It is a proposal originating in Iran, as its name suggests, which has an exquisite flavor thanks to the fact that it is based on dehydrated fruits that will give it a very interesting sweet touch.

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