1 thermomix dishes

octopus ceviche with thermomix

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This traditional dish of Latin American cuisine combines the freshness of seafood with a mix of vibrant ingredients that will transport you directly to tropical beaches.

Thinly sliced ​​cooked octopus is combined with juicy prawns and dressed with a nuanced citrus sauce made from lemon, lime and a hint of fresh ginger. The combination of aromas and textures creates a unique and refreshing culinary experience. Are you ready to delight your guests with this irresistible octopus ceviche?

In this article, we will guide you step by step through the preparation of this octopus ceviche, sharing with you all the secrets and tricks to achieve an amazing result.

octopus ceviche with thermomix

octopus ceviche with thermomix

From the choice of the freshest ingredients to the proper marinating technique, we will ensure that each bite is an explosion of flavor on your palate. It does not matter if you are a lover of cooking or an enthusiastic beginner, this recipe will give you the opportunity to shine in the kitchen and surprise your loved ones with a dish full of authenticity and flavor.

Get ready to enjoy an unforgettable culinary experience with our octopus ceviche!

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