a good pesto can make a dish go from being a normal dish to a delight, due to the flavors and nuances it can bring
today we bring you one pesto recipe of almonds and spinach to accompany our dishes that is made in less than 1 minute and gives an extraordinary flavor
Spinach and almond pesto with thermomix
Spinach and almond pesto with thermomix
Preparation time:
5 minutes
Cooking time:
1 minute
Total Time
6 minutes
Kitchen room Spanish Cuisine
sauces with Thermomix
Spinach and almond pesto ingredients with thermomix
100 grams of fresh spinach
100 grams of Parmesan cheese
50 grams of raw almonds without skin
2 cloves of garlic
300 grams of olive oil
a pinch of salt
a pinch of ground pepper
Preparation of spinach and almond pesto with thermomix
To start, we put the cheese in pieces, the almonds and the garlic in our Thermomix bowl and program
15 seconds / speed 7
With the spatula, we lower the remains stuck to the sides of our Thermomix bowl
We add the oil. spinach, salt and pepper and blend
30 seconds / speed 7
We store everything in an airtight glass jar and reserve in the refrigerator until serving time.