Ratatouille is a very popular vegetable dish in our country and today we want to teach you how to cook a different version of it: anchovy ratatouille with Thermomix.
It is a delicious dish that, as its name suggests, has a fish that has a powerful flavor as its attractive ingredient. This recipe calls for anchovies
Anchovy ratatouille with Thermomix
Anchovy ratatouille with Thermomix
Preparation time:
43 minutes
Cooking time:
33 minutes
Total Time
1 hour, 16 minutes
Kitchen Spanish Cuisine
Vegetables with Thermomix
Anchovy ratatouille ingredients with Thermomix
155 grams of red pepper
52 grams of anchovies in oil, drained and chopped
155 grams of green pepper
205 grams of zucchini with skin and chopped
Half a teaspoon of sugar
2 large garlic
Salt and ground pepper to taste
fresh parsley to taste
505 grams of crushed tomato
305 grams of onion
103 grams of olive oil
Preparation of anchovy ratatouille with Thermomix
When you have all these ingredients in the kitchen, follow the steps that we indicate:
Pour the zucchini into the robot’s glass and program
speed 4 / 2 seconds.
Add the parsley, peppers, onion and peeled garlic to the glass. program to
speed 4 / 10 seconds.
With the help of a spatula, lower the remains of the walls.
Add the oil and zucchini to the glass. Put the robot to work