Hello again! As you well know, chicken is one of the healthiest meats that exist. Therefore, today I want to teach you how to prepare a dish with it: easy chicken curry with Thermomix.
It is a delicious proposal, not complicated to make and with which you will surprise everyone in your house.
Easy chicken curry with Thermomix
Easy chicken curry with Thermomix
Preparation Time:
47 minutes
Cooking Time:
37 minutes
Total Time
1 hour, 24 minutes
Kitchen Spanish cuisine
meat and chicken with Thermomix
Ingredients for easy chicken curry with Thermomix
710 grams of boneless and chopped chicken thighs
32 grams of vegetable oil
505 grams of natural yogurt
210 grams of onion, quartered
82 grams of tomato paste
2 fresh chilies, halved
125 grams of chicken broth
25 grams of garlic
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
22 grams of fresh ginger
2 teaspoons ground coriander seeds
2 teaspoons ground cumin
25 grams of fresh cilantro
Easy Chicken Curry Preparation with Thermomix
When you have purchased all these ingredients, follow the steps that I indicate:
Add the fresh cilantro, chili peppers, onion, oil, ginger and garlic to the food processor container. Program to
speed 5/10 seconds.
Scrape down the sides of the glass with a spatula. Reschedule to
speed 2 / Varoma temperature / 6 minutes.
Then, add the ground coriander, turmeric and cumin. Start the robot
speed 2 / Varoma temperature / 3 minutes.
Pour in the chicken broth now and cook
speed 1 / Varoma temperature / 5 minutes.
Next, add the chicken, tomato paste and yogurt. Program to