If you love preparing new recipes or even if you want to discover typical dishes from other cuisines, you may find it interesting to continue reading to learn how to prepare Mexican enchiladas with Thermomix. This recipe has chili
It is a dish of Mexican origin, similar to fajitas, which is spicy, so it is not recommended for all palates.
Mexican enchiladas with Thermomixmex
Mexican enchiladas with Thermomix
Cooking time:
15 minutes
Total Time
15 minutes
Kitchen Mexican
Thermomix International Recipes
Ingredients of Mexican enchiladas with Thermomix
To prepare about ten enchiladas, you need to have the following products:
10 corn pancakes.
150 grams of sour cream.
1 or 2 cloves of garlic.
2 chicken breasts.
2 small fresh cheeses.
Salt to taste.
5 tomatoes.
1 onion.
4 chilies.
Preparation of Mexican enchiladas with Thermomix
Once you gather all those ingredients, follow these steps that we indicate:
Put the chicken in the basket together with the salt, the garlic and a quarter of an onion.
Cover with water and program
spoon speed / 100º / 15 minutes.
Reserve them until they cool and then you must fray them.
To the glass add the chopped and peeled tomatoes, the chilies and a quarter of an onion. program to
speed 4 / 10 seconds.
Pour the sauce into a container and bathe the pancakes with it.