There are numerous kitchen tricks that you can prepare with your kitchen robot. And today we want to show you a really original and surprising one: celery salt with Thermomix.
With this recipe you will be able to shape a seasoning that will give a tasty and very special touch to your dishes.
Celery salt with Thermomix
Celery salt with Thermomix
Preparation time:
11 minutes
Cooking time:
1 minute
Total Time
12 minutes
Kitchen Spanish Cuisine
thermomix tricks
Celery salt ingredients with Thermomix
coarse sea salt
The dried leaves of a celery
Preparation of celery salt with Thermomix
When you have the ingredients, follow these steps:
Throw the leaves into the glass of the robot and program
several turbo hits / 1 second.
Add the same volume of chopped leaves as salt and program to
several turbo hits / 2 seconds.
All that remains is for you to strain the salt and start using it.