desserts with thermomix

Peppermint ice cream with thermomix

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Peppermint ice cream with thermomix

Take advantage of these last days of summer with a walk to the beach or pool, an outdoor picnic, a walk in the park, any of the activities you do will make you enjoy these hot summer days. This recipe uses mint

mint ice cream with thermomix

mint ice cream with thermomix

And to refresh our body, what better way than to take a delicious icecream and share it with family and friends. For this reason we are going to present a great recipe for mint ice cream with thermomix.

There are several ways to prepare ice cream, low calorie is one of them. Yes, a low-calorie ice cream that you can enjoy just like a creamy ice cream. The main ingredient, peppermint It is an aromatic herb and a very powerful antioxidant.

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