From time to time we like to let you know about recipes from other countries so that you can discover new flavors and textures. That is why, next, we are going to teach you how to prepare chicken arepas with Thermomix.
It is a pre-Columbian dish, very traditional in Venezuela and Colombia, which is based on what is precooked corn flour and is flattened and circular. This recipe calls for chicken breast
Chicken arepas with Thermomix
Chicken arepas with Thermomix
Preparation time:
30 minutes
Cooking time:
20 minutes
Total Time
50 minutes
Kitchen Venezuelan cuisine
Thermomix International Recipes
1 package of arepas
1 garlic
1 cooked chicken breast without skin or bones
15 grams of olive oil
4 tablespoons of fried tomato
1 medium onion
1 large green bell pepper
Salt and pepper to taste
When you have gathered all those ingredients, follow the steps that we indicate:
Chop the chicken breast and reserve it.
Clean the peppers and chop them and then put them in the robot glass. program to
speed 4 / 3 seconds.
Reserve and peel both the garlic and the onion to add them to the glass. program to
speed 5 / 4 seconds.
Then add the oil, salt and pepper. program to
spoon speed / turn to the left / 120º / 17 minutes.
Add the tomato and chicken. Start the robot at
spoon speed / turn to the left / 120º / 2 minutes.
Go opening the arepas with a knife, without cutting the bottom part, to fill them with the contents of the glass and with the peppers that you have reserved.