Big Mac salad with meat and cheddar cheese with thermomix
(4 votes, average: 4.50 out of 5)
21 August, 2022
Today we bring you the recipe for a fun salad that flies every time we make it at home, and it is ideal for dinner because it contains a little bit of everything.
here we are going to leave you the recipe so that you can follow step by step how it is done
Big Mac salad with meat and cheddar cheese with thermomix
Big Mac salad with meat and cheddar cheese with thermomix
Cooking time:
20 minutes
Total Time
20 minutes
salads with thermomix
Ingredients of Big Mac salad with meat and cheddar cheese with thermomix
2 onions cut in half
2 cloves of garlic
600 grams of minced meat
1 tablespoon sunflower oil
3 pinches of freshly ground black pepper
a little sweet paprika
150 grams of pickles cut in half
150 grams of mayonnaise
80 grams of yogurt
50 grams of tomato sauce
10 grams of tomato paste
20 grams of light balsamic vinegar
a little water to brush
1 tablespoon of sesame seeds
200 grams of cheddar cheese in pieces
1/2 large iceberg lettuce
Preparation of Big Mac Salad with meat and cheddar cheese with thermomix
We place in our Thermomix bowl a garlic and an onion and half cut in halves and chop
4 seconds / speed 6
put the onion and garlic in a bowl with the minced meat and stir well, then put the oil in a pan and fry the minced meat with the onion and garlic
we put a little salt a little pepper and a little paprika powder
while we wash and dry our Thermomix bowl again
we put in the glass the rest of the onions the pickles and chop again
4 seconds / speed 6
with the spatula we lower the remains stuck on the sides we add the mayonnaise the ketchup and the yogurt the tomato a teaspoon of sugar the vinegar a pinch of salt and pepper and mix everything
10 seconds / speed 3
we put the content in a bowl and wash and dry our Thermomix bowl again
We place the cheddar cheese in our Thermomix bowl and chop it
10 seconds / speed 8
place the lettuce with the rest of the pickles and chop everything again
two seconds / speed 9
if we want it more chopped we can repeat this last step again finally we are going to place it in a very large bowl and we are going to place the food in layers we are going to place a little bit of the bread croutons half the lettuce half the dressing and half the cheese and half the ground beef
and we will do the same operation again we will finish with the bread croutons on top and our salad will be ready to eat