at home I have always seen my grandmother make this syrup that she then used to put a few tablespoons on desserts or drinks that gave them a very special sweet taste
I personally always put it to fruit yogurts when I eat it in a bowl and it gives it a fantastic touch here is the recipe that is super simple of lavender syrup or syrup with thermomix
lavender syrup or syrup with thermomix
lavender syrup or syrup with thermomix
Cooking time:
30 minutes
Total time
30 minutes
Kitchen room Spanish Cuisine
juices and thermomix drinks
10 grams of lavender branches and leaves
1 liter of water,
300 grams of sugar
We put the lavender leaves and water in our Thermomix bowl and boil
15 minutes / 100ºC / speed 1
We let it rest in the glass until the mixture is tempered
Pass the juice through a Chinese to remove the lavender sprigs.
For the preparation of the syrup:
In our Thermomix bowl with the infusion that we have already made warm, add the sugar and heat
15 minutes / 100 ° C / speed 1
Bottle while still hot and close hermetically in glass bottles for better conservation.