The list of appetizers that you can prepare easily and quickly with your food processor is quite extensive and it includes today’s recipe: olive bruschetta with Thermomix.
Bruschetta is a typical Italian dish like toast, which in this case is going to be very Mediterranean because it incorporates olives.
Olive bruschetta with Thermomix
Olive bruschetta with Thermomix
Preparation time:
11 minutes
Cooking time:
1 minute
Total Time
12 minutes
Kitchen Italian cuisine
Snacks with Thermomix
Ingredients for Olive Bruschetta with Thermomix
16 slices of toasted baguette bread
105 grams of pitted olives
22 grams of olive oil
3 or 4 sprigs of fresh basil
1 tablespoon cashews
Half dried red chili
Preparation of Olive Bruschetta with Thermomix
Follow these instructions to prepare such an exquisite appetizer:
Add the olives, basil, chili, oil and cashews to the robot glass. Program to
high speed / 10 seconds.
With a putty knife, lower the remains from the walls. Then she reschedules
high speed / 5 seconds.
All that remains is to plate it by placing the contents of the glass on the slices of bread.