You love pasta and you often prepare it at home, but you are tired of always making the same recipes. For this reason, you will be fascinated by what we are presenting to you today: aubergine pasta gratin with the Thermomix.
It is a dish with which you are going to lick your fingers and that you are going to cook more than once from now on. This recipe calls for aubergines
Eggplant pasta gratin with the Thermomix
Preparation time:
33 minutes
Cooking time:
23 minutes
Total Time
56 minutes
Kitchen Italian cuisine
Pasta with Thermomix
Aubergine Pasta ingredients gratin with the Thermomix
400 grams of cooked pasta
360 grams of chopped eggplant
255 grams of canned tomato
Basil to taste
Mozzarella cheese
105 grams of chopped onion
1 large garlic
23 grams of olive oil
Preparation of Gratin Aubergine Pasta with the Thermomix
When you have all these ingredients in the kitchen, you will only have to follow these steps:
To the glass of the robot, it is necessary to add the basil, the oil, the peeled garlic and the onion. programmed to
speed 7 / 3 seconds.
Add the eggplant and put the robot to work
spoon speed / reverse turn / 100º / 4 minutes.
You have to add the tomato and program
spoon speed / reverse turn / 100º / 18 minutes.
Now what will be left will be to put the pasta with the contents of the glass in a fountain. Mix everything well, pour over the mozzarella and put the dish in the oven until the cheese is gratin.