Cabbage or Cerdanya trinxat with thermomix
Although the basis of this recipe for Thermomix is made up of cabbage, potatoes and bacon, it is possible to find different variants such as Cabbage trinxat with black sausage or the cabbage trinxat with garlic and paprika. Another alternative to traditional pancetta is the use of pork ribs as a complement to potatoes and cabbage.
Is cabbage trinxat recipe with Thermomix It has an average duration, with a total of approximately 35 minutes. It is an easy recipe to carry out, and perfect both in autumn (cabbage season) and winter.
Its main compound, cabbage (either kale or white cabbage) is a food with many benefits, composed of 92% water. It is considered an excellent remedy to deal with various common diseases, as it has different properties that serve to stop viruses and bacteria.
Several studies recognize its properties to deal with rheumatism, colds and intestinal problems. In addition, its possible benefits against heart disease and cancer are being studied. Cabbage is a food rich in vitamin A, C and antioxidants, as well as being an ingredient with a high level of fiber, just like other similar foods in the same family, such as broccoli or cauliflower.
The complement can also be presented in different ways, since in some cases bacon is used and in others bacon is used. Despite this, the traditional dish from Cerdanya is presented with bacon. This original recipe makes use of Cerdanya cabbage, with curly leaves, but due to the limitations to obtain it due to its low production, it is possible to substitute it with other similar cabbages or with cabbage.
The cabbage trinxat or Trinxat De La Cerdanya with Thermomix It is a simple recipe, which can be easily served in an attractive plating thanks to the moldability of its main ingredients, cabbage and potatoes. It can be presented in the form of an omelette or as a tub. On the other hand, in some kitchens you can see this dish with a crispy edge, which gives the whole an extra texture and a more compact aesthetic.
You can find more recipes made from cabbage on this page. You can also search for healthy recipes for Thermomix and recipes from other types of vegetables. Below you can find the necessary ingredients to carry out this recipe, in addition to the complete process to make your cabbage trinxat or Cerdanya trinxat in Thermomix. You also have available a table that shows the nutritional information for each serving of this recipe.
1 thermomix plates Vegetables with Thermomix