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Artichoke properties

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There are millions of people in the world who consider artichokes to be one of the most delicious and healthy vegetables to consume, and keep them in their daily diet, and they are not wrong, artichokes are one of the vegetables that provide a very good amount of health benefits. of those who eat them regularly.

Artichoke properties

Artichoke properties

What they contain

The reason why the artichoke is considered one of the healthiest vegetables for consumption, is that it provides a significant amount of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, as far as vitamins are concerned we have A, those of group B, that is, B1, B3, B5 and B 6 , vitamin C and E.

This great combination makes artichokes ideal to prevent and cure a variety of diseases and ailments, among which we have:

Lose weight

One of the great benefits of including artichokes in our diet and eating them frequently is that help burn fat that we have left over in the body, are low in calories and fat, so they help fight fat and obesity.

On the other hand, when eating artichokes people will feel that their hunger is satisfied more quickly, so will reduce the amount of food that they ingest and therefore reduce the amount of calories that enter the body.


Artichokes are vegetables very rich in fiber, which will help avoid constipation and diarrhea, since these fibers will take care of regularize digestive functionsavoiding inconveniences of this type.

If your problem is fluid retentionDon’t worry because eating artichokes will increase diuresis, which will make fluid retention a thing of the past, which will help you overcome swelling problems in the lower part of the body.


Artichokes will contribute to the proper functioning and health of various organs, including the heart, since their components help reduce and regularize levels of triglycerides and cholesterol, the antioxidants it has help avoid heart diseases, preventing their development. For its part, its high potassium content helps relax the arteries.

The liver too benefits from the consumption of artichokes, since they collaborate with the creation and secretion of bile, which helps prevent diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis, which are diseases associated with the liver.

Other organs

The kidneys participate of the benefits of the artichoke, since by increasing diuresis, it helps eliminate toxins and substances that must be discarded from the body, in addition to helping to regulate uric acid and keeping it at appropriate levels.

Help the prevention of some types of canceramong these those of the colon, this is because among its components is inulin, which provides benefits in various aspects of body health.

Recipe by Jesus

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