Whether in jellies, Naturally, in desserts, in savory foods, salads, wines or as an accompaniment to various dishes, blueberries are one of the fruits that should be included in our daily diet. There are more and more countries in which this wonderful fruit is found. .
This is one of the most interesting fruits and the products that are being developed from it are diverse, they are completely versatile and easy to add to the diet.
blueberry properties
The properties of blueberries They are diverse and this is thanks to their components, among the benefits they provide to the body are:
prevent cancer, One of the great properties of blueberries is their large amount of antioxidants, this makes them a great ally of the body when fighting free radicals that produce cellular oxidation and therefore prevent generative diseases such as various types of cancer.
Various minerals are found in blueberries, which makes our bones and teeth benefit from their frequent consumption, and with this bone density will increaseand it is that the magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc and manganese they contain will collaborate with a better absorption of Vitamin D and calcium in the body.
Its consumption causes a decrease in blood pressure and cholesterol, which are factors that reduce the possibility of suffering brain accidents, but are anthocyanins, quercetin and phenolic compounds that blueberries have that will help protect the body from these diseases, so it is recommended to consume it to improve heart health and avoid heart attacks.
Several studies carried out on animals have shown that the intake of blueberries helps to improve memory, this is due to its antioxidants, which, as already mentioned, help to combat oxidative stressIn addition to having a good amount of minerals and vitamins that help reduce brain damage, improve nervous system control, reduce the chances of developing dementia and of course delay cognitive difficulties.
Blueberries are recognized for their ability to help improve the symptoms of urinary tract infections, and it is that they not only relieve discomfort by decreasing inflammationthey are also capable of preventing and treating them effectively, this is because by consuming this fruit they will prevent the bacteria that cause infections from adhering to the urinary tract, helping to eliminate them through urine.
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