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How to whip cream with the Thermomix – Trick

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More and more people are deciding to buy a kitchen robot. Yes, because, in addition to being able to afford it financially, they realize that this device can greatly facilitate them in carrying out numerous tasks when preparing food.

A good example of this is that they have tricks like the one we present below at their fingertips. This recipe uses cream

Which? Whip the cream with the Thermomix.

Previous considerations

In order to ensure that the cream can be whipped easily and without difficulty in this robot, it is necessary to take into consideration several previous aspects:

That food it must be very cold to facilitate assembly. Therefore, don’t even hesitate to put it in the freezer a few minutes before. I usually cool it 15 minutes beforehand by placing some freezing blocks inside

It is essential that the cream to be used has, at least, a 35.1% fat percentage.

How to whip cream with the Thermomix

Once you have met the two essential prerequisites, it is time for you to put on your apron and proceed to whip the cream with your food processor. To do this, you must follow these steps that will allow you to carry out this task with up to a maximum of one liter of that product:

Start by putting the butterfly to the blades that has the glass.

Pour the cream into the aforementioned container, checking that there is nothing left inside the container.

Next, without setting a time of any kind, proceed to program the Thermomix at a 3.5 speed.

It is important that you pay attention so that you do not overdo it, that is, so that you do not leave more time than necessary and the cream ends up turning into butter.

Frequently asked questions for the recipe for How to whip cream with the Thermomix – Trick

  • Is it necessary to use Thermomix to whip the cream?

    It is not necessary to use Thermomix to whip the cream, it can be done manually with a mixer or whisk.

  • How long does it take to whip cream with Thermomix?

    The time to whip the cream with Thermomix depends on the size of the quantity and the type of cream being used.

  • Is it necessary to use sugar when whipping cream with Thermomix?

    It is not necessary, although it is recommended to give it a sweeter flavor.

  • Is it necessary to use a freezer bag to whip cream with Thermomix?

    It is not necessary, although it is recommended to avoid splashing when assembling it.

  • Is it possible to whip cream with Thermomix without using a mixer?

    It is not possible to whip the cream with Thermomix without using a mixer, as it is necessary to stir the cream to achieve the desired point.

Recipe by Maria Merino

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