What is clear is that for now the LIDL kitchen machines will stop selling immediately
thermomix by lidl – Monsieur Cuisine Connect
The Mercantile Court 5 of Barcelona has condemned Lidl, for marketing its robot very similar to the thermomix in operation and has sentenced him to compensate and withdraw from selling all the ‘Monsieur Cuisine Connect’ kitchen robots, due to patent plagiarism Silvercrest brand
A short time ago we commented that Thermomix had denounced LIDL for its robot accusing it of plagiarism in several of its patents, this complaint for the moment only affected the area of Spain, and today the sentence has been issued
We do not know, like any judicial process, if LIDL will appeal the sentence and if the order to destroy the material should be carried out immediately or not.
NOTE: INTERESTING RECIPES FOR THIS NEW YEAR … Surely you are also interested in these Other post that we have taken for these holidays