Today we have a recipe for a delicious dessert, it is a cheesecake made with our GM pot, it is a very simple recipe to make and it is wonderful
it made that once you do it many times, here we leave you the recipe
GM Pot Cheesecake
GM Pot Cheesecake
Kitchen room Spanish Cuisine
GM Pot Recipes
GM Pot Cheesecake Ingredients
200 grams of Philadelphia cheese
3 natural yogurts.
3 eggs
5 tablespoons of cornstarch
8 tablespoons of sugar
Cheesecake preparation with GM pot
The first thing we will do is place the ingredients in a bowl or casserole, for which we will add the 200 G of Philadelphia cheese, 3 natural yogurts, 3 eggs, 5 tablespoons of cornstarch and 8 tablespoons of sugar
Take a blender and mix all the ingredients perfectly.
then we put a circle of vegetable paper in the bottom of our bucket we grease it we flour the cubata so that it does not stick to us
we put all the mixture that we just beat inside the bucket, close the pot and program
* oven menu / 130 °C / 50 minutes*
When there are 10 minutes left, remove the lid from the pot and set the oven head to 160º.
and we will do at the same time with the pot and the lid until the remaining 10 minutes are over
and our cheesecake will be ready, all that remains is to eat it, but we are sure that you know how to do that perfectly ?