Benefits and Properties of Soursop: Everything You Need to Know

15 May, 2023
Soursop, also known as graviola or annona muricata, is a widely consumed fruit since pre-Hispanic times. and its consumption is associated with extensive benefits against cancer
In addition to its delicious flavor and versatility in the kitchen, soursop offers a number of health benefits.

Benefits and Properties of Soursop: Everything You Need to Know
Native to the tropical forests of South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia, soursop is harvested not only for its fruit, but also for other parts of the tree such as the bark, seeds, leaves, and roots, which are used in natural medicine.
Benefits and Properties of Soursop: Everything You Need to Know
Spanish Cuisine
Health with Thermomix
Ingredients of Benefits and Properties of Soursop: Everything You Need to Know
- Benefits and Properties of Soursop: Everything You Need to Know
Preparation of Benefits and Properties of Soursop: Everything You Need to Know
- Next, we present the 10 benefits of soursop that make it an essential food to maintain a healthy life:
- Strengthens the immune system: Soursop contains a combination of substances, including vitamins and minerals, that strengthen the immune system and keep it alert against bacteria and viruses, such as those responsible for colds.
- Rich in vitamin C: Soursop is an excellent source of vitamin C. Consuming 100 grams of this fruit provides approximately 20 milligrams of vitamin C, which represents a significant amount to meet the daily needs of the body.
- Delays aging: Thanks to its antioxidant properties, soursop helps increase resistance to aging and delay its signs.
- High in fiber: Soursop is rich in fiber, which benefits digestive health by improving the functioning of the intestinal tract and fighting constipation.
- Analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties: Consuming soursop juice can relieve pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. It has also been used to treat hemorrhoids effectively.
- Prevents osteoporosis: Soursop contains minerals such as phosphorus, calcium and iron, which strengthen bones and help prevent osteoporosis. These minerals are also beneficial in treating anemia.
- Hydration: Soursop is rich in water, especially in its pulp. Therefore, it is an excellent supplement to stay hydrated during the day, which is essential for optimal functioning of the body and maintaining high energy levels.
- Improves sleep: Soursop contains components that promote relaxation and drowsiness, so it can be useful to combat insomnia and improve the quality of sleep.
- Protects the nerves and the heart: Soursop contains vitamin B1, which speeds up metabolism and improves blood circulation, protecting the nerves and preventing central nervous disorders. It also contains vitamin B2, which reduces fat storage and helps maintain a healthy heart.
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