Air Fryer Yogurt Muffins
Fryer WITHOUT oil – air fryer
Air Fryer Yogurt Muffin Ingredients
Preparation of yogurt muffins with air fryer
Temperatures and times may vary depending on each fryer and oven.
The quantities that we have used gave us for 12 muffins.
If you choose to fill with chocolate as we did in some, you can use the chocolate that you like the most and it does not have to be melting chocolate.
If you want to check how the muffins process is going, you can do it after 15 minutes, the less we open the fryer, the better.
The sugar that we put on the mixture when filling the capsules is best added just before putting them in the fryer, so it does not sink into the mixture.
Author: Maria and Miky’s kitchen (YouTube)
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