Hogaza with olives and pipes with Thermomix

1 March, 2025
Recipe of our friend Luz Maria Lagoa. 🍞✨ Enter the world of artisan bread with this delicious Hagaza with olives and pipes made in the Themomix.
A bread full of flavor, with the perfect touch of olives and creak of the pipes! Ideal to accompany your meals or enjoy a good oil. 😍👩🍳
Do you dare to try it? We assure you that you will not buy bread again!

Hogaza with olives and pipes with Thermomix
Hogaza with olives and pipes with Thermomix
Bread and masses
Hagaza ingredients with olives and pipes with Thermomix
Old mass (or mass foot)
- 90 gr Harina strength
- 115 ml water
- 3 Fresh yeast
- 4 gr salt
Final mass
- Old mass
- 650 gr Harina strength
- 270 ml water
- 8 fresh yeast
- 10 gr salt
- 150 gr olives
- 100 gr pipas
Hogaza preparation with olives and pipes with Thermomix
Old mass
- At least 24 hours earlier, we will play the dough, for this, in a bowl we throw the water, yeast and stir. Now the flour and salt. We stir. We cover and leave out 1 hour.
- Then we will take the cold to use (it can endure up to 3 days cold
Final mass
- We take out the old dough out of the fridge and add it to the glass, now we throw the water, yeast, flour and salt, mix 30 sec, V-5. Let us 20 min at rest so that the flour particles are moisturized.
- Then we knead 3 min; V- Espiga.
- Spur the work table with flour, turn the dough and add the pipes in the middle, previously lightly toasted and cold.
- We integrate them into the dough.
- Then we throw the olives split in pieces and drained. We integrate them into the dough we get off and place inside a slightly greased bowl and cover.
- We let it fermente (about 2 hours approximately, always depending on the temperature of your kitchen)
Formed and baked
- Sprinkle the work table with flour, turn the dough and wear down (remove the created air after the led) we stretch with the fingers and form the ball (preformed), cover 10 min.
- Now, we sprinkle the table with flour, and turn the dough and stretch it and deflate with the fingers.
- We form the ball again, giving it tension.
- We force the tray with baking paper and place the bread on top. We spend a flour tad on top.
- We cover and let it grow (from 60 to 80 min, approximately, always depending on the temperature of your kitchen.
- We place a container at the bottom of the oven.
- We turn on at 220 °; Heat up and down.
- We greet the bread.
- With the hot oven, we pour a glass of boiling water in the container and introduce our bread and bake about 40/45 min (depending on how roasted we like)
- We turn off and let cool on grid
- It only remains to enjoy, good benefit
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