thermomix tricks

Trick: expectorant syrup with the Thermomix

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Trick: expectorant syrup with the Thermomix

Low temperatures bring with us colds, flu and colds

If you or someone in your family has any of these pathologies and you run into the problem that you can not expel mucus and phlegm, read on.

And we are going to make known next how to make an expectorant syrup with the Thermomix.

In a previous article we showed you the useful trick of a cough syrup and now another really useful one. Keep reading.

The ingredients

In order to obtain that homemade syrup that occupies us, you will have to gather in the kitchen the following products:

Half a liter of mineral water.
The juice of a squeezed lemon.
40 – 50 grams of honey.
1 large onion

Expectorant syrup with the Thermomix step by step

When you have assembled the aforementioned products, it is time for you to start preparing the recipe following the instructions that we present below:

Peel the onion and cut it into several pieces.

Then throw it in our thermomix and program
Speed ​​4 for about 5 seconds.

Then, add both honey and water to the thermomix.

You will have to proceed to program the Thermomix to
speed 1 and varoma temperature for 15 minutes.

Then you have to proceed to strain the mixture to add lemon juice.

You will have your expectorant syrup ready. What will remain now will be to store it correctly in a tightly closed glass container so that it is properly preserved.

Do you dare to prepare this trick that is sure to offer you the best results?

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