One of the most common problems that thermomix sometimes gives, is related to the weight
it is relatively common to see in some thermomix group or forum, people who comment that their thermomix does not weigh or the weight has gone crazy
First of all, say that the thermomix has a 2-year warranty that covers this problem.
If your machine is no longer under warranty
thermomix weight problems
Don’t worry, because it’s an inexpensive repair (in fact, many people don’t fix it and do the weights, in a separate weight, because it doesn’t affect the operation)
the thermomix has some sensors located above the legs of the thermomix, those sensors may not work properly for various reasons:
– because our thermomix is not perfectly flat and balanced
– because the sensors are wet, that will cause it not to weigh (when they dry it works again), that would lead us to the problem that the machine loses liquids
– because it has mass stuck
– because they are greasy
what should we do…
To protect the weight we must always try to make sure that the rubber feet of our thermomix are very clean.
Although the glass of our thermomix is 2.2 liters, it is convenient that we know that the maximum that our thermomix weighs is up to 6 kilos, although it is preferable never to put more than kg to weigh
If after these notes and cleaning well, it continues to work, it is best to call your commercial and tell him or her, to see the best steps to follow in your repair.
indoor thermomix
If for any reason you cannot contact your commercial
you can contact thermomix directly at one of its delegations
In this link you can see the one closest to you. Thermomix delegations in Spain
Videos that can help you if you have a problem with the weight of thermomix
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