postres con thermomix

Pasiego cake with thermomix

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This recipe has been made by our friend Luz María Lagoa Vives. Hello comrades. It had been a while since I made a cake.
Today, to make use of some egg whites that I had in the freezer that I only used the yolks in the last preparations of the cakes, (and I still have some left), nothing is thrown away here. I have used them in a pasiego.

Although you can also use whole eggs in this preparation, there would be 3, the other ingredients as is. Also tell you that instead of vanilla essence, I add anise. The result as a whole, a bite of authentic pleasure.

Very fluffy, ideal to accompany in the afternoons with coffee. It is not a tall cake, but if you want it, use a smaller mold and it would be taller.
I have used one of 27×20 cm. I recommend it.

Pasiego cake with thermomix

Pasiego cake with thermomix

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