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Fruit ice cream in less than 5 minutes with thermomix

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If one day you are running late or a last-minute guest is coming and you would like to have something special for dessert, or simply in the middle of the afternoon you feel like something cool and you don’t want to wait for the more traditional thermomix ice cream recipes.

We leave you a way to make a quick fruit ice cream in less than 5 minutes, to do this you will only have to always keep pieces of frozen fruit in your freezer (highly recommended to always have), which can also be used at any time to make foams

Whenever we see that a fruit is going to miss us or that we have been lucky enough that a friend gives us fruit from their tree, we always wash it well, peel it and freeze it in bags for this type of desserts.

Fruit ice cream in less than 5 minutes with thermomix

Fruit ice cream in less than 5 minutes with thermomix

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