There are numerous cooking tricks that you can prepare with your food processor. And today we want to show you a really original and surprising one: celery salt with Thermomix.
With this recipe you will be able to create a condiment that will give a tasty and very special touch to your dishes.
Celery salt with Thermomix
Celery salt with Thermomix
Preparation time:
11 minutes
Cooking time:
1 minute
Total Time
12 minutes
Kitchen Spanish Cuisine
thermomix tricks
Celery salt ingredients with Thermomix
Coarse sea salt
Dehydrated celery leaves
Preparation of Celery Salt with Thermomix
Once you have the ingredients, follow these steps:
Add the leaves to the robot’s glass and program
several turbo boosts / 1 second.
Add the same volume of chopped leaves as salt and program to
several turbo boosts / 2 seconds.
All that’s left is for you to strain the salt and start using it.