trucos de cocina

because you shouldn’t open the window wide if your kitchen fills with smoke

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The debate over the best way to ventilate a smoky kitchen has been going on for years. Some think that opening the window wide is the solution, while others believe that it is better to leave everything closed so that the extractor hood can do its job. However, experts have a different opinion.

In this article, we’ll explore why opening the window slightly, rather than completely, is the best option for ventilating a smoky kitchen.

because you shouldn't open the window wide if your kitchen fills with smoke

because you shouldn’t open the window wide if your kitchen fills with smoke

Effective Ventilation for a Smokey Kitchen

When the kitchen fills with smoke, it’s natural to want to clear the air as quickly as possible. Some suggest opening the window wide, thinking this will allow the smoke to escape more quickly. However, this is not the best solution. Opening the window completely can create drafts that interfere with the operation of the range hood.

The Importance of Air Circulation

Proper ventilation is crucial to effectively remove smoke from the kitchen. Opening the window slightly allows a controlled amount of fresh air to enter, helping to maintain balanced circulation. This prevents smoke from stagnating in the room and makes it easier to escape.

Maximizing the Smoke Exhaust Effect

A small opening in the window maximizes the smoke escape effect. This is because it creates a specific outlet for the smoke, rather than allowing it to disperse throughout the room. Additionally, keeping the window ajar prevents airflow from interfering with the suction of the range hood.

Prevention of Grease Residues

When cooking, the fumes generated carry grease particles that can deposit on kitchen furniture, walls and ceilings. Properly ventilating the room helps prevent the accumulation of this waste, which contributes to maintaining a clean and healthy environment.

The Mistake of Turning Off the Range Hood Immediately

Another common mistake is to turn off the extractor hood immediately after cooking in order to save energy. However, doing so allows fumes and odors to spread throughout the house. It is important to leave the hood on for a few minutes after cooking to ensure that all smoke and odor residue is removed.


In conclusion, when it comes to ventilating a smoky kitchen, opening the window wide is not the best option. Instead, it is preferable to open the window slightly to allow controlled air circulation and maximize smoke escape. By following this tip, you can maintain a clean and safe environment in your kitchen.

Frequent questions

1. Won’t opening the window completely help ventilate the kitchen better?

No, opening the window completely can create drafts that interfere with the suction of the range hood.

2. How long should I leave the window ajar after cooking?

It is recommended to leave the window ajar for a few minutes to allow the smoke to escape and the air in the kitchen to be renewed.

3. What should I do if my kitchen does not have a window?

In this case, it is important to use a high-quality extractor hood and leave it running for a few minutes after cooking to eliminate fumes and odors.

4. Does adequate ventilation help prevent the buildup of grease residue?

Yes, proper ventilation helps prevent grease particles from settling on kitchen furniture, walls and ceilings.

5. Is it important to ventilate the kitchen even if there is no visible smoke?

Yes, it is important to ventilate the kitchen regularly to eliminate any residual odor and ensure a clean and healthy environment.

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