18 April, 2024

Is the electrical consumption of the thermomix very high?

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The Thermomix, that small appliance that has revolutionized the kitchens of millions of homes around the world, is known for its versatility and ability to facilitate the preparation of a wide variety of dishes.

However, a common question among potential and current users is how much electricity this useful device consumes.

thermomix consumption

thermomix consumption

Generally speaking, the Thermomix is ​​relatively efficient in terms of electricity consumption, especially when compared to other kitchen appliances. The electrical consumption of a Thermomix may vary depending on the specific model and how it is used, but on average, it is estimated that it consumes around 0.1 kWh (kilowatt hours) for every 15 minutes of use.

To put this in perspective, if you cook for an hour using the Thermomix, the electricity consumption would be approximately 0.4 kWh, which is quite low compared to other appliances such as electric ovens or ceramic hobs.

It is important to note that the exact consumption may vary depending on factors such as the power of the specific Thermomix model, the temperature at which it is cooked, the duration of use and the type of recipes being prepared. For example, if the Thermomix is ​​used to cook at high temperatures for long periods of time, the electricity consumption will be higher compared to the preparation of recipes that require less time and moderate temperatures.

Furthermore, it is essential to keep in mind that the electricity consumption of the Thermomix is ​​only part of the total energy expenditure in the kitchen. Other factors, such as the preparation of ingredients, preheating the Thermomix and the additional cooking time required for certain recipes, will also contribute to the total energy consumption.

In summary, if you are concerned about the electricity consumption of your Thermomix, keep in mind that it is relatively efficient compared to other kitchen appliances and that energy expenditure can be easily managed through efficient use practices and the selection of recipes that minimize the cooking time and temperature. With proper use, the Thermomix can continue to be a convenient and economical culinary tool for your home.

ApplianceApproximate Consumption (kWh)
Fridge (Refrigerator)100 – 800 kWh per year
Freezer100 – 700 kWh per year
Electric oven1.5 – 2.5 kWh per hour
Ceramic glass0.5 – 1.5 kWh per hour
Microwave0.5 – 1 kWh per hour
Dishwasher1 – 2 kWh per cycle

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